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Magical tales from Austria

I had a surreal and truly magical experience today, whilst being uplifted to the piste in a cable gondola at Bad Gastein, Austria. Usually these brief journeys are a chance to reflect on the climate, snow conditions, plan the next descent and all importantly, where to have lunch.

But on this occasion no sooner had my Godson lloyd, his father Richard and I settled, when a young man dressed in a black dj, jumped in, sat down and introduced himself. “I am a magician, can I show you what I can do?” He then proceeded to entertain us throughout our fifteen minute journey with his astounding rope and card tricks. As soon as we arrived at the piste, the young man true to his profession, disappeared as unexpectedly as he arrived. Jokingly Richard concluded: “He was good, but not that good. I’ve got his wallet!”

by Roland Blunk (iPhone pic)

Roland Blunk
I have been privileged in being commissioned by so many influential clients throughout my career, that I feel looking back, I was either extremely fortunate, too cheap or just in the right place at the right time! Having come of age before the computer, the possibilities for visual expression now seem almost magical, as we live our lives together with daily miracles and wonderment. I studied Art and Design in the mid sixties at what was then Hornsey College of Art, London. Life, after a series of drab boarding schools, was exciting to say the least. Jimmy Hendrix played upstairs at the Manor House pub, James Brown at Cook's Ferry Inn and Charlie Mingus at Ronnie Scott's, to name a few that added to the local distractions. Design and photography were skills learnt in their original pre-digital form. Slow, sometimes laborious, but wonderfully rewarding. My design clients have included: The Arts Council The British Tourist Authority The Institute of Contemporary Arts Arista Records The Manchester City Art Galleries The Design Council The BBC The National Portrait Gallery The Guardian Eversheds Solicitors The British Council The Opera Babes The Royal Shakespeare Company The V&A Museum Her Majesty's Stationery Office Island Records The Institute of Chartered Accountants Visnews Hoeseasons Holidays The Scottish Development Agency Sotogrande Haymarket Publications The Crafts Council I have lectured in design at major art schools in Great Britain and my work has been reproduced in the Swiss publication 'Graphis' annual, The 'Designers & Art Directors' annual and 'Modern Publicity' annual.